Leadership Messages

Message from the Chair

Mark Cohon

Chair, Toronto Global
Board of Directors

The concept of a comeback triggers the sports fan inside me. Comebacks embody the spirit of what makes sports so extraordinary. Remember the Raptors down 2-0 to the Milkwaukee Bucks? Some were already counting them out. But they went to work and won four games straight to take the series and eventually went on to be the NBA Champions. 

That’s how I feel about the Toronto Region right now – putting in the work to get back on top. And we’re not doing it alone. We have an incredible force behind us, from our regional partners, and our business champions to our dedicated team at Toronto Global. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we believe that Toronto Global has taken a leadership role in the region’s economic recovery. There’s no better way to regain momentum here than securing investments, generating jobs and promoting our incredible region to the world.

We recognize that it’s not business as usual and we’re not aiming for a return to status quo. Before the pandemic hit, it was often said that Toronto was “having a moment” on the global stage. Together we’re building back a Toronto Region that is more than just a moment. We’re coming back strong and we’re here to stay. 


Message from the Vice-Chair

Janet Ecker

Vice-Chair, Toronto Global
Board of Directors

As I end my tenure on the Toronto Global Board of Directors, I do so with pride for what this organization has been able to accomplish in four short years. At a time when the economy has never needed it more, we have helped over 130 companies set up in the Toronto Region, creating thousands of jobs and generating over a billion dollars in economic activity. And our work has only just begun. Toronto Global will play a critical role in bringing the Toronto Region roaring back, more attractive and successful than ever.

I’ve worn many hats over the course of my career, but the common theme amongst nearly all of my roles was a deep-seeded passion for bettering this unique region we call home. I leave the organization in the capable hands of those who share this commitment – our talented and passionate Board of Directors and the hardworking staff at Toronto Global. Emerging from this pandemic that has divided us physically, it’s never been more imperative to rebuild a more united and connected economy and region.

I leave my position as Vice-Chair grateful for the experience to be a part of a team that was built upon the idea of a region without borders. I will carry on championing the important work that Toronto Global is doing to make the region stronger than ever. Because a strong Toronto Region means a strong Ontario and a strong Canada. And who doesn’t love a comeback story?


Message from the CEO

Stephen Lund

ceo, Toronto global

Hello, I’m Stephen Lund and I took on the role of Toronto Global CEO in September. There’s a very short list of jobs that I would voluntarily undertake in the middle of a global pandemic, but this was one I could not pass up. The Toronto Region is brimming with potential and I’m placing my bets on this region to come back stronger than anywhere else in the world. This has been a difficult year, no doubt. Difficult for businesses, difficult for front-line workers, difficult for Canadians. 2021 continues to present challenges, and we understand that the world of international investment has changed. However, the enduring confidence of investors in the Toronto Region has remained and we’re very bullish about our opportunities going forward. If you have doubts, check the headlines on any given day. Major international companies are choosing the Toronto Region – they are betting big on our future.

As the fastest growing urban metropolitan region and tech hub in North America, we are committed to continuing that pace of growth and investment. Not only to get back to where we were before the pandemic, but to go beyond what we have achieved already. Our primary goal is to ensure that the Toronto Region leads our country’s recovery and cements its place as the best location for investment in North America. This annual report is the blueprint for our comeback. It’s a collection of inspiring stories from the past year – ones that show the resilience of our people and our economy. It’s a showcase of major investments and big names from the past year – Sanofi, HCL, Pinterest – all companies that want to be part of a resurgent Toronto Region. It’s champions throughout our region that never wavered in their dedication and enduring faith in the place we all call home. And it’s a celebration of our team at Toronto Global and all our partners in the region, in the province and in the country, that are working together to reimagine how we emerge from this stronger.

I’m proud to be leading a team at Toronto Global that has never stopped believing in this region and never stopped driving towards bigger and better. We thank you for joining us in writing this comeback story. 


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